The North American Equities Team – responsible for the Canadian investments – is focused on investing in high-quality companies at prices below our assessment of intrinsic value. A key part of our investment process is to invest in companies with an attractive expected return relative to the risks.
We are primarily focused on the bottom-up analysis of individual companies. This includes many elements such as financial projections and the determination of the company’s intrinsic value. Another key aspect of our analysis is the consideration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. The ESG landscape continues to evolve, as does our approach to integrating these factors. In 2014, when Mackenzie first became a signatory to the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment (UNPRI), ESG integration was often focused on risk management. Over time our process has evolved to mitigate potential risks, as well as capture potential alpha opportunities.
We believe for a company to be a top performer it needs social license — the support of all stakeholders: employees, customers, community, government and investors. We have generally found that our most successful and resilient investments are in companies that successfully consider the needs of all stakeholders.
ESG integration process
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