The Great Energy Transition

The Energy Transition

A $4.5 US trillion investment opportunity.
According to the IEA, the record growth in clean energy still makes it possible to limit global warming. However, to meet this goal, investment in the transition will need to reach $4.5 trillion per year by 2030.i

Investment Solutions in the Energy Transition

Mackenzie Greenchip Global Environmental Balanced Fund

Mackenzie Corporate Knights Global 100 Index ETF

Thought leadership insights

Investing in the energy transition is complex and requires a myriad of solutions. As pioneers in sustainable investing, we’re positioned to navigate this transformational investment opportunity. Hear from our portfolio managers on the themes influencing the path to net zero, the innovations we’re watching and how we find the best ideas to invest in.


Sustainable fixed income: a path to a more resilient future

Konstantin Boehmer, SVP, Portfolio Manager and Head of Fixed Income, speaks about how the team closely examines the sustainability of each bond in the funds they manage, to uncover hidden risks and unique opportunities to add value.


Fueled by fixed income: Funding a Sustainable Future

Insight from Konstantin Boehmer, Head of Fixed Income

Demand for sustainable bonds will need to increase for the energy transition to happen.


Energy end users may be the missing piece of your sustainable portfolio

Insight from Andrew Simpson, Head of the Mackenzie Betterworld Team

When people think about investing in the energy transition, they often consider buying into renewable energy companies, carbon capture solutions, equipment manufacturers and other businesses related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


The path to net zero is in both equities and fixed income investments

Insight from Konstantin Boehmer and John Cook

If the world is going to transition to a low-carbon economy, it will require significant investments on both sides of the asset class aisle.


Exploring investment opportunities in the energy transition

John Cook, Co-Lead of Mackenzie Investments’ Greenchip Team, and Konstantin Boehmer, Head of Fixed Income, discuss the latest themes and developments in the energy transition and explore investment opportunities in both equity and fixed income markets.


Global electricity grid: energy transition linchpin or bottleneck?

The Mackenzie Greenchip Team explores how rebuilding and expanding the global electricity grid is essential to a successful energy transition.


Three emerging forces influencing the great energy transition

John Cook SVP, Portfolio Manager and Co-Lead of Mackenzie’s Greenchip Team offers his views on the three emerging forces that are influencing the great energy transition.


Inflation and the energy transition: implications for the commodity complex

Benoit Gervais, Portfolio Manager and Head of Mackenzie Resource Team, discusses the factors driving long-term inflation expectations, supply-led versus demand-led inflation and the impact of the energy transition on commodities. 


Durable growth tailwinds: investing in the enablers of secular change

The Mackenzie Bluewater team shares their views on the global energy transition and a new wave of digitization driven by artificial intelligence (AI), as holding the most promise in the 2020s.


Mackenzie Betterworld: the pathway to net zero

Find out how the Mackenzie Betterworld team has evolved their views after carefully considering the role of nuclear power in the pathway to net zero.


The big battery bet in the great energy transition

John Cook, SVP, Portfolio Manager and Co-Lead of the Mackenzie Greenchip Team on why batteries matter in the energy transition, recent subsidies put forward by governments supporting the transition, and supply chain and geopolitical risks. 


Growth vs. value: global energy transition and AI driven digitization

Dave Taylor and Tyler Hewlett, VPs and Portfolio Managers on the Mackenzie Bluewater Team, explore the evolving paradigms of growth and value and the impacts of the global energy transition and AI driven digitization.


i International Energy Agency, net zero roadmap, 2023

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