Mackenzie Growth Team

Discovering America’s future great companies

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We uncover growth opportunities in smaller US companies, targeting high quality, relatively unknown innovators at the forefront of changing technology, consumer needs and attitudes. 

Growth through American dynamism

Our team digs deep to uncover smaller companies with unrealized growth potential. We scour the small-mid cap market in the US, where tomorrow’s great companies are being forged in the world’s most highly developed entrepreneurial ecosystem.

360o thinking

We research from all perspectives to identify opportunity and risk. Having a thorough understanding of each of our companies and their long-term picture allows us to invest with conviction, building concentrated portfolios of 35-45 holdings with minimal sector constraints.

Capitalizing on change

We invest in companies that are building a more efficient world. By identifying long-term trends, we can target sectors and industries that are at the forefront of change. Our ideal prospects are innovative companies that are making products and services better, faster, and more cost efficient.

Meet our team

Phil Taller, MBA,CFA

Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager
Mackenzie Growth Team

Investment experience since 1991

Joined Mackenzie in 2011; investment experience since 1991

  • With decades of expertise in US mid-cap stocks, Phil has managed Mackenzie US Small-Mid Cap Growth Fund since inception in 2002
  • Formerly, managed $10 billion at a leading Canadian mutual fund company, focused on US equities and bottom-up company analysis as a Portfolio Manager on the Canadian Equities team
  • BMath; MBA from the Schulich School of Business

John Lumbers, CFA

Vice President, Portfolio Manager
Mackenzie Growth Team

Investment experience since 2011

Joined Mackenzie in 2011; investment experience since 2011

  • 10 years in analyst and portfolio management roles on the Mackenzie Growth Team
  • Expertise in various growth-oriented sectors, including: healthcare, information technology, payments and fintech.
  • BA in Applied Economics from Queen’s University

Our insights


Monthly Commentaries – Mackenzie Growth Team

Read the latest Mackenzie Growth Team commentaries to learn about their analysis of key market risks and opportunities.


The future reinvented: data & digitization

It’s no secret that organizations both large and small are seeking to make better use of the data they have — on their customers, their products and services, and their operations.


Why you need global small and mid caps in your portfolio

Canadian investors often feel more comfortable investing in large, stable and established Canadian companies. However, this can have a negative impact on your portfolio’s return potential and bring a lack of diversification.


Finding diamonds in the rough

US mid cap companies represent a sweet spot among American equities. Established businesses that are still nimble enough to capitalize on shifting trends can make attractive takeover targets – and these often net a premium price for shareholders.

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

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